
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Breakfast makes you energetic

Ubqari Magazine - March 2013

[Hina Sami; Lahore]

It is important to make children consume healthy anddigestible diet for e.g. fruits, raw vegetables like carrot & cucumber, milk, yoghurt, butter, egg, and honey. If children are given the same breakfast every day, they will get bored. Hence, change should be introduced periodically.

According to the latest research, if you want to reduce your weight you must consume heavy breakfast. Medical experts and scientist say that a heavy breakfast reduces cholesterol. Those people that consume heavy breakfast actually consume half of their daily meal. Their weight loss is more aggressive as compared to those who consume light breakfast. According to a research, breakfast does not let fats rise on the human body. On the other hand you should choosea large part of your breakfast consisting of protein and carbohydrates. With this you would not feel the urge to consume sweet and fried foods; whereas energy remains in your body for the whole day. This research is based on the breakfast eating habit of more than 100 individuals. In thisresearch, in initial 4 months breakfast consumers reduced their weight, whereas among the heavy breakfast consumers, weight regain was less than those who consumed less carbohydrates. Some people cannot consume breakfast when they get up early in the morning. Such people take a cup of tea to reduce their tiredness. Most of the people are unaware that the breakfast is very healthy while tea consuming instead of breakfast is very harmful. Consuming tea on an empty stomach increases the acidity in the stomach and for the whole day one feels dizzy. Due to this reason, tea consumption empty stomach is very harmful and should be refrained. Starting the day with an empty stomach is unhealthy hence breakfast must be consumed.

Energymaintained throughout the day: Porridge, milk and a small chapatti daily not only maintains energy, but also develops body. Because milk and porridge can give more than 20% calcium, this plays an important role in relieving pain in joints and bones. Suitable breakfast early morning would reduce fatigue and energy levels shall be maintained even after working the whole day.

Breakfast is the problem of every household:  Breakfast is the problem of not fewhouseholds but is a problem of every house. Especially to make children eat breakfast is a difficult situation. Most of the children tend to skip breakfast, because they do not know that it is better for their health. Parents forcefully make their children consume breakfast, this makes them unhealthy. Most of the parents tend to consult the doctors in this regard.

It is important to make children consume the healthy and easily digestible diet for e.g. fruits, uncooked vegetables like carrot & cucumber, milk, yoghurt, butter, egg, and honey. If children are given the same breakfast every day, they will get bored. Hence, change should be introduced periodically. Someday sweet porridge, someday egg slice; there should be a variety and scrumptious option daily which should tempt the child.

Breakfast is very essential for children, with breakfast children can increase their weight without getting fat. Their energy level can remain the same. Those who do not consume breakfast stay weak in studies too. The level of energy that is required to the brain can only be attained through breakfast. Try not to miss the breakfast at any cost even if it is just a glass of milk. Make it a habit to eat breakfast before leaving home.

Fibrous foods and our breakfast:

Fibrous food can change our lifestyle. We can get fiber fromjuice, fruits and vegetables. It must be noted that the consumption of fibers is also very important for a healthy body. An adult man and woman must consume 40g of fiber every day. The differentiation of fibrous foods is that it does not require much chewing.

Nowadays tinned vegetables are readily available in the market and on every tin, the amount of proteins and carbohydrates is mentioned. Through this,one tends to know the exact fibers of the consumption. A noble dietitian has expressed that one must consume the breakfast like kings, the lunch like a common man and dinner like a poor person. Breakfast like a king is due to the fact that one has to start his day and has to work the whole day long. In the breakfast if one consumes fibrous food, it has many advantages. It has been observed that even after knowing the advantages of fibrous food, most of us do not pay any attention in their consumption. Dietitian say that if one starts consuming half amount of fibers than the normal requirement, the results will be astonishing. It addresses constipation, which itself is a cause of many ills. Eating disproportionately will not make you healthy, it will cause many problems.

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